Better by the Dozen

As a Weight Watcher Leader, I’m constantly suggesting (….ok, nudging….ok, pushing…OK, kicking their butts….) my members get out of their comfort zone. We say magic happens outside of your comfort zone. But what does that mean? We say we’re “Beyond the Scale” but does everyone “get” that? I remember little elf Judy in the movie, […]

Wow – it’s been 10 years!

Ten years ago this month, numerous events took place: test results from a physical showing my cholesterol to be extremely high, a printed picture of a night I thought I looked great but didn’t – at all, and sitting watching TV with an open and empty bag of chips and no memory of eating those […]

2016…. and the theme is…. Nourish!

One of the most common New Year’s resolutions is to get healthy. I must say that I’m happy to see more “get healthy” rather than “lose weight” resolutions. And that “get healthy” was one of the driving factors to the WW new plan, Beyond the Scale. We want to address getting healthy from the three […]