Take a chance


The three “C”s of life.  And it applies to all aspect of your life – not just health. 

We make choices in school, in business, in our home life.  We make choices on what clothes we wear, what cars we drive, what schools we go to. 

From a health perspective, what do you take a chance on?  We have to put our faith in to that chance in order to make that change.  Any change.  We’ve all heard the Einstein quote, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.”  So if we want something to change, we need to take a chance on something and make a change ourselves:  looking for a new job, getting that Masters degree, losing weight and getting healthy. 

I wish it could be as easy as saying “I want to change my thighs” and then do a thigh-buster exercise and voila – changed thighs. 

It’s not.  It takes that leap of faith and taking a chance on many things.  And one of those “things” that you need to take a chance on…is you.   And that might be the scariest one because you’ve let yourself down before and you may not trust yourself. 

It’s okay.  You’re worth taking the chance.  Make YOUR choice.  Take YOUR chance.  Make YOUR change! 


2 thoughts on “Take a chance

  1. Pingback: The chance of making a choice for a choice of giving a chance | Angel's Whims

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